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Prognosfruit, the Annual Apple & Pear Event

PROGNOSFRUIT 2023 (Trentino, Italy, 2-4 August 2023): final days to register for the leading annual event of the European apple and pear sector

19-07-23 ¦ News


The Prognosfruit Conference, Europe’s leading annual event of the apple and pear sector, is right around the corner. On 2-4 August 2023, the Italian region of Trentino (Italy) will welcome an estimated 300 delegates from Europe and beyond. Registration is still open for sector representatives interested in getting the latest updates on the preparations for the upcoming apple and pear season.

Prognosfruit, the leading annual event for the apple and pear sector, will take place in Trentino, Italy, from the 2nd to the 4th of August 2023. Prognosfruit 2023 is organised by WAPA in cooperation this year with APOT (Associazione Produttori Ortofrutticoli Trentini). After more than 20 years, the Italian region of Trentino is ready to welcome back a delegation of 300 leaders from the apple and pear sector from Europe and beyond. Registration is open on the  Prognosfruit website until 25 July 2023, along with all the information to book accommodation in Trento.


Alessandro Dalpiaz (APOT) commented on the event’s return to Trentino: “We are honoured to host in Trentino the most important international conference dedicated to apples and pears. Prognosfruit is certainly an important opportunity to present to the participants the ability of an organised system to deal with environmental issues, geopolitical crises, and market uncertainties. Prognosfruit also represents an occasion to bring the attention of the participants to those understated yet relevant values of mountain areas, with their arts, traditions, stories, and landscapes that attract and make millions of visitors think every year”.


The complete programme of Prognosfruit 2023 is available on the Prognosfruit website. The three-day event will gather the most important representatives of the sector to learn about the upcoming European apple and pear production and latest market trends, covering as well as the EU neighbourhood and the USA, China, and India. Philippe Binard, Secretary General of WAPA commented: “Prognosfruit is a long-established event for the European apples and pears sector. It has been on the agenda of the sector for 48 years. Besides the session that will reveal the key features for the Northern Hemisphere 2023/2024 apple and pear production forecast and corresponding market analysis, we are pleased this year to complement the programme with insightful new sessions on the demand side with an organic market outlook and a retail panel on adapting to consumer’s expectation. Mr Binard added “Despite on-going challenges of rising costs impacting both the sector and consumers and unpredictable climatic events, the first indicators for both apples and pears look very promising and will lead to interesting exchange during the conference in the middle of one of the most important production places”. To facilitate the debate, simultaneous translation will be available in Italian, English, French, and German.


Following the Prognosfruit Conference on August 3rd, the delegates will have the opportunity to participate in technical and cultural visits to Melinda’s Underground Warehouses, San Romedio Sanctuary, and Valer Castle.




For general information about Prognosfruit, please contact WAPA at:

  • Email:
  • Tel: +32 (0)2 777.15.80

For any inquiries regarding registration and invoicing, please contact OriKata at:

  • Email:
  • Tel: + 39 0461 824326

You can also reach out to APOT at





WAPA was founded in August 2001 with the objectives of providing a forum for discussion on matters of interest to the apple and pear business and initiating recommendations to strengthen the sector. The current President of the Association is Dominik Woźniak (Society for Promotion of Dwarf Fruit Orchards / Rajpol - Poland) and the current Vice-President is Jeff Correa (Pear Bureau Northwest - USA). WAPA membership includes the following countries and areas: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Scandinavia, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Ukraine, the UK, and the USA.