Abate Fetel
Abate Fetel is golden yellow and may get a red blush.
Anjou is green with a sweet, mellow flavour. Anjou pears are thought to have originated in Belgium, and they are named after the Anjou region in France.
Bartletts / Williams BC
Bartletts / Williams BC is a pale green/yellow shapely pear with a sweet and juicy taste. The pear which is known as Bartlett in North America is the same variety that is called the Williams in many other parts of the world. It was discovered originally in 1765 by a schoolmaster in England named Mr. Stair.
Bosc has a brown colour and a sweet-spicy taste. It remains a matter of contention whether the Bosc variety is of Belgium or French origin. What is known is that Bosc pears were discovered in the early 1800’s.
Concorde is known for its tall, elongated neck and firm, dense flesh. Its skin is golden green, oftentimes with a golden yellow russet in spots, and it has a vanilla-sweet flavour and firm texture. The Concorde is a cross between a Conference and a Comice pear.
Conference is a long green fruit prone to smooth russet on the skin which is sweet and juicy when ripe.
Doyenne du comice
Doyenne du comice has a pale green/brown colour which lightens when approaching full ripeness and is a very sweet, creamy pear, with a juicy and somewhat buttery texture.
Forelle has a greenish skin which turns bright yellow, adding flecks of crimson when fully ripe. Sweet and juicy Forelles are a very old variety, and are thought to have originated sometime in the 1600’s in Northern Saxony, Germany.
Packham´s Triumph
Packham´s Triumph has a bumpy green skin and a sweet juicy flavour. It originated in Australia and was introduced in 1897.
Red Anjou
Red Anjou has a dark maroon colour and a sweet, mellow flavour.
Seckel has a maroon and olive green colour and an ultra-sweet flavour. Seckels are thought to have originated as a wild seedling near Philadelphia and were discovered in the early 1800’s.
Starkrimson pears are named for their crimson red colour and feature a thick, stocky stem. This juicy and sweet pear has a smooth flesh and a subtle floral aroma.